What is Gamer's Thumb?

Gamer's thumb is a common term used to diagnose repetitive use tenosynovitis of the thumb. In particular, the gamer's thumb affects the tendon sheath of the extensor and abductor pollicis longus muscles. These muscles pull the thumb away from the hand and palm.

This condition is also often associated with and precedes the de Quervain or stenotic tenosynovitis mentioned above. This condition is classified as thickening and hardening of the tendon sheath and often requires surgery.

In console gaming, these movements are mainly related to thumb movements. This condition has also become more common in recent times due to texting on mobile devices and is sometimes referred to as "texting thumb". Although possible, the diagnosis of gamer's thumb is more common for console gamers.

Signs and Symptoms

 If you are affected by gamer's thumb, you will likely experience the following symptoms:
 - Pain: Pain is most commonly felt in the thumb joints
 - Weakness: Your grip may feel weak. ; however, your perceived weakness is more likely due to pain than actual muscle weakness.

Other common findings may include:
 - more pronounced symptoms when extending or abducting the thumb (removing the thumb from the hand)
 - flexing the thumb or grasp may also increase pain
 - worsening of symptoms after periods of activity (playing video games or texts)
 - relief of symptoms or recovery after periods of rest and splinting

Treatment for Gamer's Thumb

You can use a Mckie Thumb Splint to support your thumb. Depending on your case, your doctor may recommend that you wear the splint continuously for 4 to 6 weeks. If you have gamer's thumb or De Quervain's tenosynovitis, splint treatment is aimed at reducing inflammation and relieving pain.

How Splinting Helps With "Gamer's Thumb" Conditions

The McKie Thumb Splint is an excellent choice for functional thumb support to help it heal. The McKie Thumb Splint can help relieve and resolve the symptoms of gamer's thumb. When using splints or braces, timing is also very important. To restore the gamer's thumb, we recommend using a splint or brace during the rest period before and after the game session. If you have pain during the night and/or wake up in pain, it may be wise to wear the splints while you sleep.

McKie Gamer's Thumb Splint helps push the lateral edge of the proximal metatarsal distally to align the CMC joint. A second support force is applied by securing the strap through the webspace along the radial side of the MCP. These two forces create a lever-like action that returns the joint to its normal, comfortable position. The added support reduces pain and inflammation in the thumb and can aid in rehabilitation if intervened early enough. It is recommended to use a splint as soon as the problem is discovered to prevent further injury. Splints are also recommended when the user expects frequent hand use (ie smartphone and tablet, text messaging, email, social media and internet browsing) or other activities that require repetitive gripping and pressing movements.

View the McKie Gamer's Thumb Splint Here:

McKie Gamer's Thumb Splint