
What is Gamer's Thumb? Gamer's thumb is a common term used to diagnose repetitive use tenosynovitis of the thumb. In particular, the gamer's thumb affects the tendon sheath of the extensor and abductor pollicis longus muscles. These muscles pull the thumb away from the hand and palm. This condition is...

Geposted von Dyami Quast am By Dyami Quast Weiterlesen

There are a number of thumb splints on the market that claim to provide relief for osteoarthritis sufferers. However, not all of these splints are created equal. McKie Splints are bio-dynamically designed to promote use of the hand and provide comfortable and more natural grasp and reach, apply pressure on...

Geposted von Dyami Quast am By Dyami Quast Weiterlesen

Hand conditions are common in children, and they can be caused by a variety of factors such as birth defects, injuries, or diseases. These conditions can range from mild to severe and can often lead to functional impairments. McKie thumb splints are a type of orthopedic splint that is used...

Geposted von Dyami Quast am By Dyami Quast Weiterlesen
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